Featured Project


 Farm Property and Development

This project will allow the ministry to become more self sufficient. So many organizations and even individuals raise money daily for projects. If we can buy and develop farm land, not only will we be able to fund our own outreach, relief, and church projects, but we will also be able to exhibit new farming techniques we have been teaching the churches and be able even to offer some job opportunities. This is HUGE for a country that is often ranked poorest country in the world, and majority of the population lives on less than $1 per day. 

Our farm will, by the grace of God, have crops, including a greenhouse, irrigation, an orchard, and livestock. As you can imagine, all of these pose large startup costs, but oh will it be worth it! 


WE ALSO HAVE A DONOR MATCH for up to $10,000 for the month of February!! 




Raised: $0/ Goal: $20,000 0%



Become a proud partner

Our ministry really appreciates partners. Those who are willing and have the desire to help those in need. If you are a prayer warrior and ready to change the world for the better, or if you would like to take part in some sponsorship or projects, we look forward to hearing from you!