
To partner with us is to both impact the Kingdom and change lives.

Want to make a donation?

Your donation is a hugely appreciated blessing and help.

One Time Donation

Anything you can give is much appreciated. 


If you would like to give to a specific cause, just note the cause on the donation worksheet.



We are always more than excited to have any partnership with those who feel so led. 


Feel free to choose the amount of monthly support you would like to give!


$ ? /month


To sponsor an orphan, widow, student, or pastor, click below.


To ask about sponsoring a student, contact us directly to get all the necessary information.

(Fees may be different than the $20/month)


Featured Project

Click Here if you would like to give to the featured project 



Become a proud sponsor

Christ Believers Ministry will always be happy to connecto you to a student, orphan, or widow who needs support. As little as $12 a month can make sure essential needs are met.