Our Churches

The first official church plant of Christ Believers Ministry was the church in Thekerani. This church has a good number of faithful members. It is also the site of our first official ministry property and church building. From this church, we have a student that is sponsored at Thyolo secondary school.


Bvumbwe is a church that has a strong youth attendance. The ministry truly enjoys this. We know the youth are the future. We are training many of these youth to be the next generation of leaders not only in our ministry, but in their communities and country at large.




Our group in Machinjiri meets twice a week in the home of our dear fellow-servant, Navitcha. This Bible study and prayer group has been growing and becoming very stable in the Word and Truth. We are very thankful for the hospitality of Navitcha to offer his home as a meeting place.



Goliat is perhaps one of our lesser attended branches, but we know that God has a perfect time waiting to add to the membership there. Please help us pray for this.


As the first church outside of Malawi, we were honored to finally open the branch. It was a lengthy and carefully navigated plant, but to God be the glory.


Sochi was started because of personal outreach and discipleship that spread throughout the area. This kind of discipleship is what the ministry values.
