About us

We believe in the purpose of raising up God-fearing youth to make an impact in their homes and communities, and ultimately, change their world for Christ!

No Place too Far

Our ministry was started in 2020, with our first church plant in Mgombe, Thekerani in the district of Thyolo, Malawi. We have a huge heart for villagers and unreached places with the Gospel. As Jesus died for all, we seek to go to the places others do not often go.... the far reaches. 


  • Constant growing number of churches
  • Churches in two countries... Malawi, Mozambique
  • Dedicated to the training of church leaders and youth


Our ministry is evangelistically minded. We are mostly a church-planting ministry, but we understand that evanglism happens often in the details of life. Thus, our ministry makes sure to impact people in every area of life.... from food security and farming to education and sanitation. Please join us in this amazing adventure. 

We Pray Together



The truest form of success, in any walk of life, is always found through prayer and the respect of the power of the name of Jesus. Nothing in the ministry gets done without careful, prayerful preparation. Please do feel free to commit to joining us as a prayer partner.


No matter what program or task we are performing... whether a church or youth service, or a food distribution, or a evangelistic outreach trip, we will always include prayer. Prayer not only connects us to God, it grows us, progresses us, and teaches us humility and surrender. 

Click Here to Become a Prayer Partner

It is hard to have our own churches without our own properties. Please pray for God's guidance and provision as we are always growing and needing to expand.


Having our own church properties to build on will help us avoid rental dues and provide shelter during rainy season.

Our Churches

Prayer Points



Pray for the evangelistic outreach trips and follow up contacts. This is where discipleship starts. This is where true faith is planted. 

Pray for the establishment and growth of new churches. For land and buildings that are ours. For faith to be practiced and truly lived out.


Pray for the ministry as a whole that the members of all branches of the ministry will be faithful and strong in the Lord, and in His wisdom.



Become a proud sponsor

The ministry will always be happy to connect you with a student, orphan, or widow who needs support. As little as $12 a month can make sure essential needs are met.